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Today our instant takes from watching the women’s AA final!
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Has Tom Forster done ANY press yet? Or has he forgotten how to speak….
How did Suni’s change back to 3 passes for the AA final effect her D / E scores?
She loses one tenth in D. It’s totally worth dropping the Double Tuck.
Any idea where Laurent was during women team finals? I thought he was head coach.
I got real real skurrrred that suni was going to lose by a wolf turn
Hi, did not gear the US girls cheering for Angelina Dyring Beam, which was soo sweet, and made med blive in the World as a food Palace again. Live from Denmark
What a great meet!
Melnikova’s FX score was a total gift. Jess Gadirova got a 13.7 with a totally clean set so a 13.933 for Melnikova with clear errors was too high. Urazova should have won bronze.
If you can do the stuff Suni did on that makeshift beam you can do anything
How does Urazova not get nailed on her vault E score when she actually LANDS with her legs still crossed?
Suni won the medal but Jade won the leotard game tonight for sure!
Talk about a STUNNING leo
What’s the over/under % that Suni goes to NCAA now?!??!?!?
Wolf turns. Ugly AND scary. Gotta go! Lol
Suni played it all so smart!
Can Suni cash in and still go to Auburn? I certainly hope so! New house for her family customized for her Dad would be so great!
How many different routines does Suni Lee have in total? Between all the events, she could have a ton of different combinations of routines
How many times did Jess have to grab Scott or Lauren for support?
If Suni does go to Auburn, will she be the first all around champion to compete in NCAA?
So proud of Suni!
Its amazing Suni was able to stay on bars with that set! Really stayed calm even when she was visibly off. Will she push for that again during bars finals for a higher D?
Can anyone else not see jessica?
Is Rebeca the first “first” to do it in AA instead of an event final? I hope this question makes sense.
Do we think Suni will still go on to do NCAA?
What are the chances that Suni actually gets to enjoy being the AA champ – without the “non-Simone” asterisk? I think it’s super important to give credit where credit is due, and to not speak of Suni as “the one who won in a non-Simone Olympics,” like Morgan in 2017.
I’m sorry but I am not really a fan of Nina’a gymnastics. Her feet are always flexed! Unpopular opinion I know