In our end of the year award show, we talk about our favorites, argue about the worst, address crimes against gymnastics, present our wish list for 2013 and make predictions. We present the case, you pick the winners. Fill out our listener survey below to vote for your champions and tell us how we can make the show ever better!
In our first GymLine segment, we tackle whether or not to “help” a gay gymnast come out. GymLine is a service we provide for everything and anything non-technique related to gymnastics. Just call our hotline (415) 800-3191 or find us on Skype under username “GymCastic Podcast.” Leave us a short message with your name, city and question.

Olympic Ticket Scandal “You couldn’t get best seats at the Olympics because VIPs took them. More than half the tickets for many of the biggest events at London 2012 were set aside for VIPs or other Olympic “clients”, official figures showed…” Official Ticket Report.
Chalk Bucket’s new App for Android phones.
I do wanna comment that having CILF type stuff is really inappropriate, considering you might have younger listeners!
Thank you for that feedback. We consider the show PG-13 and try to proceed accordingly. We will take this under advisement. Much appreciated.
Can I just say: I got an Elite Sportz Band and it’s ace! I’ve never been a gymnast but I have lower-back issues from rowing that give me problems at yoga sometimes, and it’s just perfect for that. I never would have thought to get one if it wasn’t for you guys, so thanks!
Yay! So happy to hear that. We love them!
CILF should include the ladiez. C’mon!
It should! We couldn’t think of any! Feel free to nominate the coach of your choice.
Cecile Canqueteau-Landi – Woga: She’s hot, has a great accent, and is well known.
Stacie Wilson- Woga: Second that because she did the “Smooth Criminal” Michael Jackson dance in the parking lot at the Woga Classic which was awesome. Long shot nom!
I nominate coaches Stacie Wilson and Cecile Canqueteau-Landi from WOGA. Two uber hotties. If you are going to have two male WOGA CILF you need two WOGA ladies.
Gymnastics can be covered on live tv just fine. People are so used to NBC and their crappy coverage and some people are too young to remember decent live coverage. The best live coverage is a mix of live routines and routines that are taped to be shown after the live routine is done. NBC could do that but they prefer to show a few live routines and a lot of live shots of gymnasts on the sidelines.
Suggestion for unexpected delights, Sandra Isbaza’s floor routine to Pink Floyd! Epic!
Are there any links/articles on the Danusia Francis/Italian Gymnasts situation? I wasn’t sure what to search for with the Italian reality show.
They’ve done fluff theme songs for years, now, though- Appalachian Spring in 96, Robin Hood theme in 2000, Prime Minister’s Theme from Love in ’04, can’t find ’08’s coverage…
I just discovered your podcast a few weeks ago and have been listening to all of the archived episodes. So far everything is amazing. I just listened to this episode and had an addition for the ESPN body issue. Raj Bhavsar. How y\’all gush about Phillip Boy that\’s my exact opinion of Raj.