Welcome to Behind The Scenes!
BTS is a weekly Q&A podcast just for club gym nerd members! It’s our appreciation love letter to club members for supporting the show.
This week on Behind The Scenes we discuss: An extreme sexism story from an 1991 Indianapolis World Championships volunteer; Jessica’s safety versus COVID at Winter Cup; our new video profile series; we pick 2011 Worlds finals lineups pretending Alicia had been on the team; our top 3 AA guesses for Winter Cup; Spencer’s scandalous high school cast party story; Sarah Taubman and Nikki Shaprio’s comeback/debut stories vs gymternet rumors; high school gymnastics rules (listen to our interview with Judge Dean Ratliff for all the deets); if GymCastic should create art like the $14,000 piss flowers in order to raise enough money to fund all of our travel costs this year; what can go wrong when a military grandma thinks AF stands for Air Force; why we don’t see more stadlers in NCAA; how to eliminate poop splash back; many letters about Shawn Johnson having her parents over after her husband tested positive or COVID; the insurance proof reason for always making sure to get a test for COVID even if you know you have it; and the Mysterium board game.
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