Welcome to Behind The Scenes!
BTS is a weekly Q&A podcast just for club gym nerd members! It’s our appreciation love letter to club members for supporting the show. Here’s how to ask questions live.
This week on Behind The Scenes we discuss: Konnor McClain puking before beam; the Golden and Simone series; all the historical research we need Uncle Tim to write on his new site Gymnastics History; MyKayla Skinner doing a Chuso vs Moors; is a Nabs that dangerous; Dutch having a positive COVID test; Leann Wong’s beam balk vs random jump deduction; if as Tom Forster said in Golden, the Downies genetic test results; the US could field three gold medal winning teams or the alternate team could win gold; chances of Simone doing all the Bilses; Paul Juda being royally f’d over by USAG who have violated their own rules.
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