Welcome to Behind The Scenes!
BTS is a weekly Q&A podcast just for club gym nerd members! If there isn’t a competition, we record every Friday at noon (PST). It’s our appreciation love letter to club members for supporting the show. Here’s how to ask questions live.
Live show with Vanessa Atler is happening! Login to buy your pre-sale tickets below.
Please login to your Club Gym Nerd account to listen and/or watch this episode. Not a member? Join here.
I thought of Maggie Haney signing! 😉
oh as soon as Jessica asked us to guess, i was yelling at my phone,”Tom! Tom freaking signed it! TOM!!!” lolol oh funny side note–we have a foam type bar we use in gym to teach the kids how to shift their hands on bars…for years, ive called it “The Dumbbell.” i saw an ad in YT or something for the dumbbell and it was advertised as “The Forster Bar.” i thought to myself, “wait what?” so ive been called “The Forster” (bar) “The Dumbbell” this whole time?!?!
been calling….sorry
Man I’d love to go to the live show.
Sorry for the potentially silly/off topic question. Just became a member. Is there a way to listen to the exclusive content as a podcast through iTunes? Or other streaming platforms? Thanks!
Hi Lindsey: Yes, there is! Instructions are here: https://gymcastic.com/community/club-member-area-club-member-area-member-far/bts-in-your-podcast-player-beta-test/