The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

Behind The Scenes: Gymnastics Time Warp

Welcome to Behind The Scenes!

BTS is a weekly Q&A podcast just for Club Gym Nerd members! It’s our appreciation love letter to club members for supporting the show. Every Friday at noon Pacific (unless we are at a competition), we’ll tell some stories and answer your questions. Login early to ask questions live.

This week on Behind The Scenes we discuss: How Shannon Miller did not do a DTY in Barcelona; Konnor McClain’s move to WOGA; a random child trying to get into Jessica’s car; making conversation with the neighborhood street racers; BTS podcasts will soon be played on your favorite podcast player, no logging in needed; Eurovision; 924 Gilman; Marta Karolyi’s effective beam coaching; regrettable things from the early days of podcasting; international scores vs. domestic; guessing who Nastia and Tim have in their Olympic lists; mother and son bonding over GymCastic; the GOAT tour planners; Canadian Olympic team predictions; kind offers to ease Jessica’s time in Tokyo hotel prison.

Please login to your Club Gym Nerd account to listen and/or watch this episode. Not a member? Join here.


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