Welcome to Behind The Scenes!
BTS is a weekly Q&A podcast just for club gym nerd members! It’s our appreciation love letter to club members for supporting the show. Here’s how to ask questions live.
This week on Behind The Scenes we discuss who we’d take off/add if 2012 and 2016 had the same team +2 format as Tokyo; “no warmup” claims vs reality; Fierce Five reunion; the designated team backpack carrier; USAG’s tentative 2022 calendar has them selecting the team in Indianapolis during Worlds podium training; Project K update; Irina Viner allegedly forcing the rhythmic technical committee head out ; Tom Forster’s new nickname; our mostly Harry Potter related plans for Worlds in England; what Jessica found when a listener sent her down the Japan Cart website rabbit hole; what to do about Texas and NCAA Championships; gymnastics career advice and more.
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When will the US name the worlds team?
Listen, first you guys are great. I was never a gymnast, primarily due to a swimmers physique and abysmal coordination. However, imagine, if you will, a pre-teen, pro-social version of Spencer, circa 1994 and one can begin to sketch a very rough version of myself. I’m an original gym nerd down to dragging my parents to what was then the headquarters of Intl Gymnast in CA where I toured the offices and briefly met Dwight Normile (awkward) as well as basically memorizing most scores for major world meets from about ‘91-‘98 and scrutinizing what alternate teams may have accomplished. As an aside, the highlight of my life was Spencer’s reenactment of the Gutsu segment from the 96 poor little Roza Galieva NBC fluff- best not to listen to this while driving in rush hour traffic. A couple of folks may have casually looked over at me and questioned whether or not they should contact EMS…..anyhow to the point of this now obnoxiously long comment. Thoughts on a travel fan group to world championship events? I believe Intl Gymnast may have attempted this sort of thing back in the 80s/90s. It could provide an excellent means for paying for even more of your expenses while traveling to report on the events and having a few extra days of sightseeing, ballyhoo, and otherwise touristy crap with Gym Nerds following the event. Obviously, this suggestion is meant for Jessica. Because Spencer. Anyhow, the thought had occurred to me and I figured if evangelical pastors can somehow illicit free trips (by that I mean paid for by congregants along for the “Tour of Jesus Footsteps” tours) to Israel, why not suggest it to you?
I’m trying to figure out how I could parlay such a trip for use of my yearly CME hours/funds. As a psych nurse practitioner I feel maybe a work/study trip along the lines of athlete resiliency… or some other trauma related pitch. Just wanted to put it in your ear in case it’s not been floated yet.
Keep up the fantastic work! Love listening and was thrilled to discover you all about a year ago as this is exactly what my 14 year old self dreamed about listening to all those years ago.