Behind The Scenes: Banned skills; hissing at cats; 2-per-country rules; roller skating; Thanksgiving stories; bidets; bad showers; walking kids to school or not; are splits required on bars; we help create new holiday traditions for a family including Caga Tió; the Entropy video about gymnasts; Jessica’s gymnastics, coaching, capoeira, wrestling history. Spencer’s non-gymnast fan journey turned gymnastics professional history.
WIN: Club Gym Nerd membership and any item you want from the GymCastic store
HOW: Record a voice memo* on your phone (30 sec max) about why you became a member or want to support the show. Email it to us, along with the item you want from the store (color, mailing address etc.)
BONUS POINTS: Use hashtag #ClubGymNerd @Gymcastic Instagram or Twitter and we will count it as an additional entry. Be creative as possible: a song, poem, haiku, heartfelt message, the funnier the better.
DEADLINE: On December 12 we will pick three winners from our favorites. * We will use your recording on the podcast. You can make it anonymous.