The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

Behind The Scenes: Project K

Welcome to Behind The Scenes!

BTS is a weekly Q&A podcast just for club gym nerd members! It’s our appreciation love letter to club members for supporting the show. Comment and ask questions live, instructions here.

This week we reveal the secret project we’ve been working on for over a year with a Romanian journalist: Project K and how it will be rolled out to listeners,  club members first. Also, Spencer’s vaccination experience; Euros, from Marta PK’s injury to Larisa’s message from her hospital bed; American Classic podium training; vegan and vegetarian athletes; new Laurie Hernandez info from Rio and about her recovery; getting in to a school with a gymnastics team; the machetes on the wall behind Jessica (Capoeira Maculelê); MAG NCAA news omission; why Spencer isn’t going to Tokyo; sleep apnea mouth guards; plans for the next two weeks and some podcast start up business updates.

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