I didn't see a thread where people could offer up their NCAA tix for sale if they can't make it to a meet - so I figured I would create one. Post your tix for sale here - include all pertinent info (teams, date/ time, venue, sale amount).
I'm looking for tickets to FL vs LSU in Gainesville on Feb 23, if anyone has those.
I have 4 tickets for Bama/Arkansas tonight that I can't use because I'm iced in in Nashville. I can transfer them for free if anyone wants them.
I have 4 tickets to NCAA championships that were bought as part of a group order (almost 60 of us going together)
tickets are $70 each and includes all 3 sessions. Can message me here or twitter
I didn't see a thread where people could offer up their NCAA tix for sale if they can't make it to a meet - so I figured I would create one. Post your tix for sale here - include all pertinent info (teams, date/ time, venue, sale amount).
I'm looking for tickets to FL vs LSU in Gainesville on Feb 23, if anyone has those.
How many do you need? My mom might have one or two; I'm not sure - I will ask her (she has season tickets)
@kittykittypattpatt OMG that would be amazing!! I would love two, but if I can't get two I will take one and go solo!
Sorry if this is too late but I have plenty of UF vs LSU tickets in section 221 (to the left of bars, upper level)!
Ill sell for $5 each since I bought them at group rate
I can do Zelle or Venmo and I can transfer tickets via text message or email.
Selling 3 all-session tickets to the UF regional, April 4-7. I bought 3, then needed a 4th, and couldn't get seats together, so I just bought new seats for all of us. Selling for what I paid, $33 per ticket, section 127 (lower level, center, closest to floor). These should be GREAT seats. Venmo, Zelle, or PayPal accepted. Can transfer tickets by text message or email. Happy to provide proof that I have the tickets, since I'm not an active poster here.
I have an extra ticket to Utah tonight (Friday, 3/15 at 7pm) if anyone wants to join me and gym nerd out! 507-676-2652
I have three tickets (section 124, which is a middle section, row 23) to the SEC championships in New Orleans this Saturday, March 23. The tickets are good for both sessions. Before I list on ticketmaster, I figured I'd see if there is any interest here.
I may have to sell my two tickets (all sessions) to the Michigan Regionals. Would anyone be interested? Seats are on the second level in front of beam. Only looking to cover my costs. I got rear ended on my way to the Big 10's so now I have to deal with car repairs etc and will most likely have to cancel. One of the tickets was Senior's pricing if that matters. I can provide more details etc. if anyone is looking...
Thanks, Heidi
Looking for 1-2 tickets for the Florida regional final next Sunday! Sold out online so if anyone is selling their tickets or knows how I could obtain some LMK! 🙂