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Scoring Crowdsource Sheet

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Maroney's Vault Admin
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Hello fellow fantasy players. We've decided to change things up and see if crowdsourcing the scoring works better (faster and more accurate). As the meets take place, feel free to enter the scores on the sheet at the link. Many have volunteered and so we're going to take you up on your offer. (If you have any remaining fixes for week 2, please apply them here.)

We'll add tabs for each week as the season goes along.

Our official source of information is RoadtoNationals and we're going off the play schedule of College Gym News in determining Byes and Double Weeks.

With this method, we think we can get the scores into our system much faster so you don't have to wait several days to see how the rankings are stacking up. Please be mindful of others and alert us if you think someone is sabotaging the scoring. Of course, we'll be checking the scores and making any corrections if they happen. 

Thank you in advance for being the best gymnastics community in the galaxy! 



Beth, Aubrey Pink and Allie K reacted
Spencer's Eye Roll
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 6

For those of us who have no clue what this means (I’m super computer/technology illiterate), do we all need to do something here? Are we entering our own scores? Sorry, I’m just very confused!!

Maroney's Vault Admin
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@nicole-richards No, you don't have to do anything. This is only for those who wish to input scores (and some have already volunteered) they can.

Spencer's Eye Roll User
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Posts: 6

Thanks for putting this together!  I saw a mistake (not in my favor!) on my scores for week 2.  Where is best to note that to @gymcastic.  

*Amari Celestine did not compete UB in week 2.  Its noted that she got a 9.75 but that was on Beam.  Thanks!

Maroney's Vault Admin
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@karenbuck99gmail-com Hi Karen, we'll get this corrected shortly. Thank you for pointing it out. In the future, any corrections can go into the crowdsourced spreadsheet. You can also always just reach out here or via email. Whatever is most convenient for you. Hopefully, after this week we'll have this all figured out. Thank you for your patience and for playing.

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Great idea! This is definitely going to be my new hobby

Maroney's Vault Admin
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@aubrey-pink Thank you Aubrey! We plan to update the system's scores tonight once the meets are done.

 V K
Kensley's Document Binder
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Please put a team name column on the spreadsheet so it's easier to sort

Spencer's Eye Roll User
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Have just made a change to week 2 for Kat LeVasseur's UB. I'm going by RTN website. (I have made this comment in the chat on the fantasy site, but I think it was missed). I doubt it matters much to overall standings, but it would still be good to be correct! 

Maroney's Vault Admin
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@alison-foster Thank you Alison, we'll get it corrected.

Spencer's Eye Roll
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Posts: 12

So I'm going through the spreadsheet today both proofreading what's already there and seeing if anyone else needs to be updated, and I'm seeing something a little confusing, but it may not necessarily be with the spreadsheet. I am in the Week 5 tab, and I am using the Road to Nationals website, and I am specifically looking at last night's Florida/Georgia meet (02/02/24 date). I saw three scores entered into the spreadsheet for Amanda Cashman, but RTN only has a beam score for her. I didn't think much of it, just updated Cashman's scores to match what was on RTN. Then I got down to Zora Morgan on the spreadsheet and saw a beam score entered in. This is where I started becoming concerned, because RTN doesn't list Zora Morgan as having competed at all last night, but I watched that meet, and I'm pretty sure she did compete beam. Then I thought more about Amanda Cashman, and I seem to remember her competing vault, but as I said, RTN only has her on beam. Even more concerning, RTN only has five vault scores showing for Georgia for that meet, making me believe that they don't have Cashman's score, and that RTN does not have the correct scores for this meet.

Since we are using what's posted on RTN as our official source for our league, I find this concerning. I was trying to help out by making sure that scores were input and all were correct, but if RTN isn't correct, then what do we do? As for the Florida/Georgia meet in question, can someone double check those scores? I left Zora Morgan's score alone, but because I think RTN has the wrong scores for this meet, I think I may have deleted scores for Amanda Cashman that shouldn't have been deleted.

NOTE: I referenced both the meet recap in the Dashboard section of the Georgia team and the individual score sections for Amanda Cashman and Zora Morgan on RTN, and they both say the same thing (Cashman only on beam, Morgan not competing). And I've triple-checked that I'm looking at the right meet/year on RTN and I'm in the right tab on the spreadsheet.

Spencer's Eye Roll
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Posts: 12

UPDATE: I checked back on RTN today, and it's different from yesterday, but I still don't think it's right. RTN now has scores for Amanda Cashman for everything but bars. Since I know she went on more than one thing, I did input what RTN had for her for vault, beam, and floor. However, they still show Zora Morgan as not having competed, and like I said before, I still think she went on beam, so I still left her beam score in the league spreadsheet alone. I would still appreciate it if someone else would double-check these scores. Again, this is for the Georgia meet on 02/02/24.

Maroney's Vault Admin
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Thank you Kelly, we'll look into it. 

Spencer's Eye Roll
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Can someone add in Suki Pfister’s vault score from the weekend? I believe it was a 9.85? I would do it, but I’m spreadsheet-dumb 🙂

Spencer's Eye Roll
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Question?  When do the scores put into the crowdsourced spreadsheet actually show up in an individual gymnast's scores.  Looking for the Stanford/Washington scores, which have been input into the crowdsourced sheet, to show up in my line-up.  They are still showing zero.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Cordelia

Maroney's Vault Admin
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Hi @cordelia 

These typically are input at the end of night each day. We'll follow-up with our partner to find out about the delay. 

Spencer's Eye Roll
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Could someone please update Isabella Minervini's week 5 uneven bars to reflect her score at the 2/2 meet, which was 9.925?  Fantasizr is still showing the 9.9 that she got during the second meet that Towson had that weekend.  Many thanks!

(post-edit to correct my error in what Fantasizr shows.)

This post was modified 12 months ago by Stacey

Maroney's Vault Admin
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@stacey-romero Hi Stacey. Thank you for letting us know and apologies we weren't quicker to make this correction. You should now be able to see the correct score reflected on your team.

Stacey reacted
Spencer's Eye Roll
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@gymcastic Thank you and I'm sorry I wasn't quicker to say thank you 🙂

GymCastic reacted
Kindergym User
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Just wanted to jump in and say that the score for Lauren Williams on floor from 3/3 was inputted incorrectly in the spreadsheet. She received a 9.95, not a 9.925. I updated the spreadsheet but Fantasizr is incorrect. (


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