The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

Behind The Scenes: Smudging

Welcome to Behind The Scenes!

BTS is a weekly Q&A podcast just for club gym nerd members! It’s our appreciation love letter to club members for supporting the show. Here’s how to ask questions live.

This week on Behind The Scenes we discuss: Smudging Coop for travel purposes; Andrade’s indigenous Brazilian art scarves; rhetoric research; did Bela sabotage Durham in favor of Mary Lou; letter from a female NBC videographer; senate hearing and the 2008 team; GOAT Tour Dynamo beam excitement; lots of letters about needing to cleaning our brains with a combo of steel wool and bleach from 2000 Trials disgust; why no Worlds in 1998; correction Dolgopyat cannot get married in Israel civil or otherwise; will there be a pubic hair revolution in NCAA; compulsories were the key to qualifying to team finals; and of course Jessica’s excellent advice to her nieces.

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Maura Hulsey
Gym Nerd
3 years ago

If you watch back the 2000 Olympic trials, while they are sitting in the chairs waiting to hear if they have made the team Alyssa Beckerman says to her coach “Did you tell them we would not take the alternate spot?” I have always wondered how this played into the decision?

Nickolas Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Maura Hulsey

I went back and tried to listen for this and couldn’t hear it. Could you reply with the exact time?

I think she was the logical choice for the original team selected. Her vault was the weakest, her floor was nice but had a triple-full dismount that not complete and wasn’t as consistent on UB and BB…though among the best when she hit.

I do think that Tasha was an amazing choice too…but we only saw one routine at trials and it was her vault (not the greatest).

Ilka Stoffer
Gym Nerd
3 years ago

I would say it depends where you grow up. As I was always the youngest in my class, I had my first Baccardi and coke at our teacher’s home when we surprised him during the Christmas vacation. And I must have been 15 or 16 -and of course our goal was to finish ALL of the alcohol so he wouldn’t have any left… So I have definitely been trained early to like HARD liquor. Till today I still do not “weaker things” such as beer or wine. Greetings and PROST from Hamburg, Germany!

Kirstan Watson
Gym Nerd
3 years ago

Even cats can fall prey to toxic masculinity, Jessica.

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