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I'm Looking for a MAG Olympic Trials Buddy! Both Days! Free Tickets For You!

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Joined: 1 year ago
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I promise that this is not spam! I just genuinely have no friends who like gymnastics!! I'm a 27 yr old woman living in the Twin Cities and the Olympic Trials will be my very first ever elite gymnastics competition (or really any gymnastics meet ever)!! I'm absolutely beyond excited to attend, however I have absolutely no friends who really care about gymnastics or who are free for the Men's days (Thursday and Saturday). This is where you might come in!

You would receive two (quite good) tickets to the two men's days of the olympic trials in Minneapolis, Minnesota for 6/27 and 6/29. We would be sitting together. You do not need to compensate me for the tickets- they were gifted to me. I simply ask that you be my friend for the days!! (And maybe afterwards as well if we vibe real well.) I'm much newer to men's gymnastics so I would also love if whoever attended really cared about/appreciated it and wouldn't maybe even mind explaining a bit to me! I do know a bit about the "players" and already have some favorites (Yul Moldauer my beloved) so I won't be completely clueless! I also would love to talk WAG Elite and NCAA as I follow both decently closely as well. (Go Bruins!)

I'm also just a pretty fun person in general; I'm very extroverted and outgoing so I'll likely be able to keep a conversation if you're willing to enthuse with me and I have a wide range of interests like music, TV, movies, etc. I enjoy watching gymnastics (obviously) and PWHL Minnesota (Women's professional hockey, although it's a rollercoaster for PWHL MN fans at the moment...). I love going to concerts and exploring the city and I'm a part time makeup artist and full time healthcare student. I love spending time with my friends, my longterm partner, and my two adorable kitty cats. Additionally, I don't believe it would be much of an issue here but I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community so if that's an issue you need not apply. I will also be attending the Gymcastic Live Show on Sunday night with a friend of mine and would be down to meet up and hang out with you there if you were able to snag a ticket to that!

I'd really prefer to give the tickets to someone who is local (at least Minnesota, ideally Twin Cities) but if that is not possible I will open my distance up wider. I would also prefer someone close-ish to my age, but at least 21+ years old. You don't need to be any specific gender but take note that I am a total Girlie and so you'll probably wanna be cool hanging out with someone like that for two days. If you're interested you can "apply" with the following questions!! I'll put my answers to the questions in the comments so y'all can learn a little more about me too! I hope I can meet someone great to share this with <3


xoxo, Cameron!!



1. First Name, Age, General Location
2. 3 Favorite Former USA Gymnasts (Elite, NCAA, or both)
3. 3 Favorite Current USA Gymnasts (Elite, NCAA, or both)
4. 3 Favorite International Gymnasts (Current or Former)
5. Favorite NCAA team(s), if applicable
6. Favorite Apparatus and Skill 
7. Your Gymnastics "Roman Empire"
8. If you could hang out with 2 of the current national team members for a day who would they be and what would you do?
9. What song would you choose for your floor routine music?
10. What are one prediction and one hope that you have for Paris 2024?

Kindergym User
Joined: 8 months ago
Posts: 1

1. First Name, Age, General Location

my name is Emma Barry I’m 23 and I’m location in the twin cities
2. 3 Favorite Former USA Gymnasts (Elite, NCAA, or both)

Carly Patterson, Sam Makulik, Shawn Johnson 
3. 3 Favorite Current USA Gymnasts (Elite, NCAA, or both)

Simone Biles, Donnell Whittenburg, Suni Lee 
4. 3 Favorite International Gymnasts (Current or Former)

Svetlana Bogensia, Svetlana Korkina, oksana Chusovanina 
5. Favorite NCAA team(s), if applicable

Alabama, Michigan, Minnesota 
6. Favorite Apparatus and Skill 

I love floor! I loved competing a bail to handstand on bars 
7. Your Gymnastics "Roman Empire"

When Kerri Strug landed her vault on one foot! 
8. If you could hang out with 2 of the current national team members for a day who would they be and what would you do?

jordan Chiles and Simone biles I would love to go on a trip with them! Anywhere tropical and just hangout with them and have fun! 
9. What song would you choose for your floor routine music?

cars that go boom 
10. What are one prediction and one hope that you have for Paris 2024?

I predict that Simone biles will win! I hope the US team will win! 

one more thing about me I did gymnastics since I was 1 I did it in college as well! This would be so fun to do! If you’re interested my email is!! 

This post was modified 8 months ago by Emmabarry005
