I have not been able to find quite a few gymnasts when making my week 2 selections, even when searching by name.. They were from a variety of universities, has anyone else noticed the lists aren't working for them?
Would you mind sharing the name(s) you can't find? You can DM if you don't want to give away your picks. We will look into it.
Honestly, I was just going down the list of individuals from the road to nationals list looking for girls that scored well but may be overlooked and in the $1k list. So I was just typing in their names on events they competed in the past couple days and even tried it with all events and so many didn't show up. I'll try and look again and see if I can come up with anyone specific. I guess I should have made a list as I went. It was quite a few on UB and BB in the 9.800 score range.
Rachel Wilke (Iowa State) is missing, 9.875 on floor week 1
Are gymnast values going to be adjusted by the week? I don't want to give them away here, but there's some INSANE $1000 value gymnasts. Former and current elites, world championship final qualifiers...... 🤯 🤯 🤯
completely understand that you have to start somewhere though! Appreciate the game, it's very fun. Thanks for all the work