The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

Junior Men Live Blog

Kensley is here live blogging the Junior men. Most recent updates will appear at the top.

Day 1 Results:


  1. Isaiah Drake 77.35
  2. Taylor Burkhart 77.2
  3. Nicolas Kuebler 77.0


  1. Riley Loos 78.95
  2. Vitaliy Guimaraes – 78.55
  3. Spencer Goodell 78.5
  4. Brandon Briones 78.35

Chou (HB) straddle tkatchev by fingertips, hop 1/1, endo 1/2, stalder 1/1, stalder, 1/2, STUCK!!!

Christopulos(HB) Endo, straddle tkatchev, endo 1/2, stalder 1/1, stalder 1/2, STUCK dismount.

Goodell (PH) scissors, magyar, sivado, circles on pommels, 1/2 turn on one pommel, nice into the dismount!

Gamboa – Stuck dismount on PBars!

Juda (PB) Healy, Diam, huge push on the peach, Tippelt, Bhavsar, came off on the upswing, Sat down his dismount. Rough day for him. At least four falls that I can count today.

Fletcher (HB) Off on the Layout Tkatchev, … got back on, low landing on the

Rotation 6: 3:52pm

After 5:


  1. Fuzzy Benas
  2. Isaiah Drake
  3. Colt Walker


  1. Spencer Goodell
  2. Vitaliy Guimaraes
  3. Riley Loos

Ah Chow (SR) yami to joh, l sit, nice dismount!

Penev (PH) scissor flip, circles on one pommel, russian on one pommel, tonge fei, magyar, sivado, has to completely muscle up the dismount.

Drake (PH) scissor to handstand, double russian, magyar, sivado, good dismount!

Benas (FX) Double Double, back 5/2 to front 1/1, Stuck triple to finish!!

Bold – stuck vault.

Wooten (HB) low Yami, Stalder 1/1, really late on the turns, endo, endo 1/2, stuck double double tuck to finish.

Bischoff (VT) clean landing on vault.

Juda (VT) Tsuk double – low landing, runs forwards and hits his head on the table. Hope he is ok!!!

Chou (PB) peach, giant, Tippelt, long pause, Healy, 1/2, toss from support, Diam, Stutz, Runs backwards out of dismount.

Goodell (FX) double double stuck ish, missed the second pass, back 3/2 to front 1/1, back 1/1, back 2/1, stuck to finish.

Rotation 5: 3:22pm

After 4:


  1. Isaiah Drake
  2. Khoi Young
  3. Fuzzy Benas


  1. Brandon Briones
  2. Spencer Goodell
  3. Riley Loos

Guimaraes (HB) yami, stalder up, 1/1, rybalko (late) endo, triple double tucked and STUCK!

Leon (PB) 12.75

Benas (HB) Liukin!!! straddle tkatchev, Rybalko, stalder, stalder 1/1 (late) STUCK The dismount! HUGE routine!

Briones (VT) Kas 1.5 with a big hop forward

Loos (HB) Yami – nice height straddle Tkatchev, stalder, STUCK dismount!

Juda (SR) Up to strong straddle planche, kip to front giant to joh, to yami, almost stuck dismount! Nice set for him!!!

Fletcher (VT) Kas 1.5. Lands wayyy to the side almost off the mats.

Hauke (PH) Scissor cuts, Magyar, Sivado, has to fight for the dismount. Not sure it’s going to be high enough.

Goodell (HB) lay Tkatchev, straddle Tkatchev, hop 1/1, Stuck the double double!

Chou (VT) Really deep squat on the Tsuk 2.5

Cormler (HB) Stuck his dismount

Rotation 4: 2:57pm

After 3


  1. Michael Jaroh – 40.1 (He’s ahead of the older juniors at this point)
  2. Fuzzy Benas – 39.6
  3. Khoi Young 39.5


  1. Spencer Goodell – 40.0
  2. Vitaliy Guimaraes – 39.6
  3. Brandon Briones – 39.3

Penev (HB) Lookls like maybe he didn’t have his grip over the bar at first. It took him a moment to get started. Off on the straddled Tkatchev, 1/1, Rybalko (late), stalder 1/1, 1/2, STUCK double double layout!

Drake (HB) I didn’t get to see a lot of the routine, but he has a really nice rhythm and look to him on high bar.

Guimaraes (PB) peach, giant, down to supports and back up, 1/2, peach basket to l sit, double tuck off the side with a small hop.

Simmons (SR) Oooh front double pike to dismount

Wilson (HB) Sticks dismount.

Williams (SR) kip to L sit, joh to yami, to l sit, straddle up to handstand, … sticks full in tucked.

Loos (PB) Doesn’t ever quite hit handstand, really slow on this event, piked through the healy, peach to L sit, double tuck to finish.

Bischoff (PH) Scissors to open, falls out of his travles, but manages to stay on, lots of bent knees, I do not know how he has stayed on. 11.95

Doherty Herwitz (HB) Took two falls on high bar, but finished with a stuck dismount.

Goodell (PB) Tippelt to open, You can hear Chris Brooks in the back ground, peach basket to L sit, Tosses the double pike over with a big step back.

Christopulos (SR) straddle planche a bit piked in the hips, L sti, yami, to joh, to straddle sit, straddle planche but doesn’t hold it long enough, small hop on the dismount. 11.95

2:35pm Ah Chow (FX) Huge double double stuck to open, triple with large step forward, full-in, Rudi, Ooohh!!! He did the handstand Leyva did! It’s a D. Full, Stuck 2/1 to finish. 12.9

After 2:


  1. Fuzzy Benas 27.55
  2. Colt Walker 27.15
  3. Isaiah Drake 26.85


  1. Spencer Goodell 27.7
  2. 2. Vitaliy Guimaraes 24.4
  3. Riley Loos 26.95

Bischoff (FX) missed the first pass, half in half out, back 5/2 to front full, Rudi, beautiful split, opens up nicely to end with a double twist

Benas (VT) Yurchenko 2.5! Great vault!

Juda (FX) After long wait, tucked double double to open, back 5/2 to rudi, Randi, little pause on his handstand, Rudi, back 2/1, A bit short on his triple to finish.

Goodell (VT) Handspring double vault with a small hop! Big time vault!!!

Ah Chow (HB) I didn’t even have to look to know it was him because Yin was clapping. 1/2, off on the lay kovacks. He caught the regular Kovaks, little late on the stalder 1/1, Almost sticks his dismount. None of it matters because he points his toes and has the pretties line of just about any gymnast competing.

Leon (SR) kip to straddle sit then out to planche, controlled into the L-sit, straddles up into the handstand – nice control, yami, sticks the 1.5 tucked!

Guimaraes (VT) HUGE Yurchenko double STUCK! Gorgeous.

Penev (PB) struggles on his peach, Diam nice! Tippelt, Stutz (short) STICKS the doulbe picke cold.

Rotaton 2:

Jordan Williams (FX) double double to open with a small step back, beautiful 5/2 in the air suck, almost stuck Rudi, holds the handstand well, back 3/2 to front full, Stuck 2/1 to finish.

Loos (SR) beautiful maltese, up to straddle planche, straddle sit, really nice control on the first handstand, second is a little wobbly, sticks the double double off. Great routine!

Bischoff (HB) Yami, straddle tkatchev, 1/1, giant 1/2, stalder 1/1, stalder, endo, threw his layout full quite far from the bar, but only a small hop on the landing. 12.35

2:00 PM Zachary Tiderman (PB) looks a bit tight in the shoulders quite a short routine, but sticks the dismount.

Juda (HB) took a bad spill and stayed down for a little bit, but he got up and finished his routine with  stuck dismount. 11.35

Young (PH) got a 9.0 E Score!!!

Goodell (SR) kip to straddle planche, giant, yami, to joh, straddle sit press to handstand, front giant, full in tucked stuck!

Briones (FX) Stuck his triple twist dismount

Burkhart (PB) Bhavsar to open, 1/2, back toss to L sit, straddle to handstand – good control, 1/2, Tippelt, Stutz, high double pike to finish with a small hop back.

Angel Leon (PH) Cirlces well, Magyar nice then off on the Sivado. Remounts up into one handstnad on the end, down easy into the dismount.

Vitaliy Guimaraes (SR) stuck his dismount

1:50PM Crew Bold (HB) Yami (little bent out of it) lay to straddle Tkatchev, Tkatchev 1/2, stalder, Endo 1/1, full twisting lay to finish! small step back.

Kevin Penev (VT) Kas 1.5 a little bent in the air and a big step to the side

Zachary Marin (PH) took a pretty nasty fall on the horse! Hope he is ok. 10.95

1:46pm Daniel Simmons (FX) Front double pike stuck, front double tuck, front lay front full, nice transitions, russians, triple, double tuck small hop back to finish. 12.8

Article by: Kensley Behel

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