The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

The Gymternet’s Ultimate Floor Music Playlist – The 2014 Edition

The Gymternet's Ultimate Floor Music Playlist

It’s here! Over 8 hours of floor music that you, the gymternet, have deemed appropriate for floor routines!

Please recognize that some contributors sent their nominations with their tongues firmly planted in their cheeks. For instance, “Home” by Phillip Phillips was sent to us with a caveat. The song is to be used only by a member of the Fierce 5 on the comeback trail.

Other nominations were sent with specific gymnasts in mind. Princess Catherine Lyons of Europa, if you read this, many people have floor routines in mind for you. You could perform to “Once,” “Winter,” or an instrumental rendition of “Cosmic Love.”

What fascinates us about this playlist is the fact that there were no repeat submissions. No two people submitted the same song. If anything, this list shows that the gymternet is eclectic and that there’s no such thing as universal taste when it comes to floor music.

With no further ado, here’s the playlist. We hope that you find a song or two that you enjoy!

P.S. To those who submitted multiple songs, we thank you for your dedication to great floor music. Unfortunately, we could not include every song on this playlist. (As you can see, the playlist is already incredibly long.) If one of your favorite songs did not make the list, feel free to link to it in the comments section below!


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10 years ago

Make a Gymternet playlist part deux!

10 years ago

Thankyou here is tonight’s study music!

10 years ago

How is Game of Thrones soundtrack not on this list? I didn’t even bother sending it in, since I was sure everyone would do the same. Haha.
I’ve seen so many good Aesthetic gymnastics routines for GoT music, not sure it would work as well for Artistic – but I’d love to see it still. (Same goes for Sia’s “Breathe me”)
Btw this one is for Popa from me / thw White Stripes !

Much good stuff on here, but creds to the people who submitted Deftones!

10 years ago

Going to listen! I need new floor music 🙂

10 years ago

Skeletons by Drehz!

Rubber Sheets London
9 years ago

Without music I can not do exercise.. This is actually a good play list.. Is there any option to download this play list?

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