The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

71: The Chest Position Enforcement Bureau



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In the News

In the news, Uncle Tim, Evan Heiter, and Jessica chat about:

  • Kelly Garrison, as commentator and beam innovator.
  • NCAA gymnastics revenue quiz, Uncle Time shocked us.
  • Joanna Sampson, will she be a force on floor and the all-around this year?
  • The Chelsea Davis bar score controversy(?)ish.
  • Should some floor music be off-limits forever?
  • Another maple goddess, from the Great White North, Maddie Gardiner of OSU.
  • LSU’s Llominica Hall newest quintessential, Americana choreography.
  • Our love for “giantess”, 5′ 9” gymnast, Sara Townsend of Iowa State.
  • Oregon State brings us Kaytianna McMillan‘s double backspin on floor!


And here are the latest news stories from around the gymternet:

  • What’s with these weird videos the FIG has been putting up? (see playlist below)
  • The new handstand pirouette world record
  • The girl who is continuing gymnastics after losing a leg to leukemia.
  • Some of favorite responses from the listener survey so far!
  • How much Uncle Tim sucks at Fantasy Gymnastics. Hahahahh!

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11 years ago

Wow I didn’t know there were any 5’9 gymnasts at that level! Gives me more hope that once I get back in the gym I might actually not suck because I’m too tall! Especially since bars are my fav event and she competes on those too!!! Even though I’m old (22)!!

I’m not a super big fan of NCAA, although I like their bars routines and some beam routines, but I reaaaaally am not a fan of the all the screaming and yelling and squealing and bouncyness when saluting and stuff. I also don’t like most floor routines. I just feel very awkward watching them. Idk I just feel like gymnastics should be more classy or something. (Insert here the knowledge that I’m a huge Russia fan so this will probably make more sense to everyone reading this. I just like a different style.) BUT I do love seeing different skills being used, and more dance (when it’s done well) and I love doing Fantasy Gym so that’s fun.

I’m really really digging Evan as a host/commentator. He’s hilarious.

In the category of double back spins: Agnes Suto of Iceland (she was at 2013 Worlds) does it in her floor routine too!!! She’s super good at it.

I’m kind of sad that being outside the US I can’t watch any live NCAA meets. I do remember watching Nationals a few years ago so I hope I get to see that! I don’t know much about picking gymnasts for Fantasy Gym but for the first week or two I checked out last year’s scores, and for the first week I scored 196+ and this week I got 197+ so I’m pretty sure I got it down now! I basically only looked at stats. I have Ivana Hong though, hope she starts competing soon.

Thanks for sharing some of those hilarious survey answers!

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