Welcome to Behind The Scenes!
BTS is a weekly Q&A podcast just for club gym nerd members! It’s our appreciation love letter to club members for supporting the show. Here’s how to ask questions live.
This week on Behind The Scenes we discuss: tons of your feedback and feelings about the Nadia movie commission; decisions we made on how to cover the fabrications of the movie and answer lots of your questions; a pelvic floor medical negligence PSA; Kupets vs. Boginskaya choreographer fraud?
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When I was 10, my close friend and I watched the Nadia movie on my couch with bagfuls of sour patch kids and sour laces. We were both nationally ranked swimmers (my friend was ranked #1 in her event) and were pooped after our 3-hour Saturday morning practice. We were ENGROSSED in the movie while simultaneously gorging on candy. When we got to the “carrots are delicious” scene our eyes grew big, we scanned all our empty candy bags and burst out, “Is THAT what we’re supposed to do?!” We were mortified. Needless to say, our diets lasted only a few days but I do mark that as one of my first of many moments of feeling body shame.