We normally record our regular show on Mondays and publish the episode on Monday night. BTS shows (for club members) are recorded live on Fridays and will be up in the feeds shortly after the show concludes. Once the college season begins our BTS show, College & Cocktails will begin after our featured college meet of the week.
November 24: Behind the Scenes - NO SHOW
November 27: GymCastic
December 01: Behind the Scenes - 12:00 PDT (live) *
December 04: GymCastic
December 08: Behind the Scenes - 12:00 PDT (live) *
December 11: GymCastic
December 15: Behind the Scenes - 12:00 PDT (live) *
December 18: GymCastic
December 22: Behind the Scenes - 12:00 PDT (live) *