FIG Age Group program clinician, former Brevet judge, elite coach and blogging pioneer, Rick McCharles. Find him at GymnasticsCoaching.com
Rick McCharles has done just about everything you can do in the world of gymnastics. He’s coached, been a Brevet level judge, is a pioneer of gymnastics blogging, and leads clinics around the world for the FIG’s Age Group Program helping develop strong grass roots athletes in developing nations. He’s a gymnastics Renaissance Man. Rick took a break from racking up airline miles to chat with us. We talk about: women’s rights to do sport in the Middle East, what it’s like to work with the FIG, the state of Canadian gymnastics, the advantages of socialist versus capitalist sports systems, and tips on making rhythmic gymnastics coaches happy.
Have you been watching the Pro Gymnastics Challenge? Blogger Emma gave us a first-person account and review of the show from her VIP seats. Uncle Tim is taking up the slack for The All Around, he’s started a list of score and difficulty rankings for 2013.
Check out Kyle Shewfelt‘s original blog here. Hollie Vise‘s orignal site is down but you can still read it on The Internet Archive here. See dates and register for Tumbl Trak’s free clinics. Watch Canadian Championships live this week. Sign up to contribute to the new Google Maps — you can create a virtual tour of the inside of your gym with this new tool for free! Check out the examples of interiors at that link.
The winner of our Cloud & Victory poster contest has been announced in this episode! Did you win this gloriousness?
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Kyle Shewfelt Interview
Victoria Moors double double layout performed at Canadian Championships May 21, 2013.
McKayla Skinner‘s double twisting double layout at practice and competed at the Fiesta Bowl in February 2013.
Canada’s Scott Morgan FX from the World Cup Ljubljana, Slovenia 2013
Actually, I was once Head Coach of Altadore, Kyle Shewfelt’s gym.
But Kelly Manjak was his only personal coach through the first two Olympics.
Tony Smith his coach for the 3rd Olympics.
I never coached an Olympic Champion even once. 🙂
Oops! That was my misinterpretation of the headcoach answer. All fixed. – Jess
Re: the event specialization trend – Could you see gymnastics using a swimming-like structure where you have individuals qualify to the individual events first, and then the coaches choose a squad for relays (i.e. team finals). I haven’t given it deep thought, but I wonder how that would work out, especially how it would effect the all-around gymnasts.