The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

Worlds Team Controversy Season


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Worlds News

    • Team Controversy Season has arrived and this year, Canada is hosting
      • Why isn’t Shallon Olsen with her big vault score not on the team
      • We revisit that year Mai Murakami was left off the Japanese World team to help all those who commemorate
    • CSI Szombathely : speaking of controversy, we discuss what happened to Eddie Penev on vault in when the wrong board was put in for him
    • The injuries to Nina Derwael (BEL), Elisabeth Seitz (GER) and  reigning beam World Champion Watanabe Hazuki (JPN) what that means for their respective countries and Olympic hopes
    • Italian Championships! Manila Esposito‘s beam, Elisa Iorio’s AA return, and are we rethinking Italy’s team medal chances?
    • Thoughts on countries naming six team members and waiting to decide the alternate until the last second
    • Plus, the gymternet news, the dumpster fire news, and your feedback on vault versus floor skill difficulty, sting mat deductions, podium training styles, and differentiating a switch full from a tourjete half.


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Syd and her mom display a black banner with white lettering and a goat that says Simone Freakin' Biles.

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