The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

136: Full Out Syndrome

Alexandra Tsikhanovich of Bridgeport University purple leotard double stag
Alexandra “Sasha” Tsikhanovich of Bridgeport University


In the News

In the news, Uncle Tim, Evan, and Jessica chat about:

  • Brazil’s Amanar vaulting superstar,  Rebeca Andrade.
  • The best gymnastics job posting we’ve ever seen ever – help make grand exit with flips as I quit my job.
  • Cintia Rodrigues (ESP) and Niamh Rippin (GB) instagram-nastics, a hecht full and Yurchenko double tuck respectively.
  • Play Nerd-Jack : by relating any topic to gymnastics in as few words as possible. (16:50)
  • The results, skills and return of Victoria Moors to competition at Elite Canada. (24:00)
  • Debate who has the better pike front on beam: Ellie Black or Alicia Sacramone.
  • Evan yearns for more substantive and instructional commentary from the newest college television hosts in his own version of the rage-o-meter. (29:00)
  • NCAA rankings, which 10 was really worthy (can it be a 10 if the gymnast has full out syndrome, AKA “I have to pee” legs on her landing?), and gush about Kennedy Baker and Division II powerhouse, Bridgeport star, Sasha Tsikhanovich. (34:00)
  • Highlight the best of the NCAA meets including Gnat’s double twisting Yurchenko, UW’s Allie Northey who can do a Jaeger with pointed toes, Peng Peng Lee smoking bars and beam like a G for UCLA, Cal’s Dana Ho who has Gienger that puts Nastia’s to shame, plus what to do when a judge forgets about the meet.
  • Our fabvorite unique skills of the season so far: backspin, Comaneci salto, aerial to land in Y scale, and a one armed front handspring to knee sit on beam.
  • Debut the new feature, an under appreciated gymnasts of the week in Lexi Cappalli of University of North Carolina who does a Depeche Mode floor routine with a supine worm.
  • Three ways to watch the AT&T American Cup in person even if you are on a budget.

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Related Episodes

Related VideosLexi Cappalli FX (UNC) Depeche Mode routine.  Best view of the supine worm here at 1:05.

Kennedy Baker’s MONSTER Arabian double pike here.

Ellie Black’s winning beam routine at Elite Canada here.

Video story  on Rebeca Andrade.

Cintia Rodriguez (ESP) Stadler hecht full to high bar transition here.

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10 years ago

For the person who wants to see AmCup cheaply: for the past two years Groupon posted discounts for US Nationals so check periodically to see if they have tickets for other competitions like the Cup. And also, the stadium seats 80,000 or more so i doubt it will sell out so you can always move around once the competition starts and sit in a better area. Lastly, USAG does have a family or group package that saves a ton of money.

And ofcourse, unless you live in the area, reserve hotel/hostel/B&B arrangements NOW!

10 years ago

I can\’t imagine if Niamh ever landed the double back in international competition. Christine Still would probably scream and pee her pants during live commentary if a British gymnast was the first to do one successfully but Uncle Tim\’s right, she\’d be doing a head plant, and unless she gets credit for doing a punch 1/2 off of her head to get to her feet I don\’t see that happening. And I think only Chinese gymnasts would dead hang out of a hecht full and not Romanians because they dead hang out of hechts with no twist (holy crap thank god they finally started doing shaposhnikovas this quad…) and because you\’re probably never gonna find a Romanian whose good enough at swinging on bars to even do that skill (unless it\’s Larisa because she\’s perfection and can do literally everything in the code). I\’m kinda hoping Cintia doesn\’t train it a ton just because she\’s gonna submit it and the committee is gonna be ridiculous and give it like the same difficulty value as a normal stalder hecht like they did with the full twisting maloney even though one is clearly harder. I dont see them ever giving a transition more than an E unless someones doing a back double full in the middle of their shaposhnikova. Sigh.

The Liukin
10 years ago

We need a Monica Phelps in NCAA, although without the numerous skill name errors that she used to commit in her day. ^_^

The Liukin
10 years ago

We need a Monica Phelps in NCAA! Although without the numerous skill naming errors like she used to make in her day.

David Wenger
David Wenger
10 years ago

Totally unexpected…Gymcastic Podcast Nerd-Jacked by Star Wars Junkie!

Jared Goad
Jared Goad
10 years ago

Simone Biles and Valeria Maksyuta (Israel) have done yurchenko double backs into the pit.
Ellie Black hit a 6.6 D-score in prelims and scored a 14.75, she missed her double turn-full turn and front tuck-wolf jump connections in finals.
Here is an old video of Kaytianna McMillian’s beam with the front hand to squat.

You guys are killin it! Keep it up.

10 years ago

\”Listen Bitch\” OH…MY…WORD…I can\’t breathe!!! Haaa!!! I love all of you so much. When I found your site, I even went back and listened to all of the archived broadcasts. I may fit the title of Stage 5 Clinger…gymternet style.

10 years ago

Great episode as usual! Thank you!
But how can you speak of toe-points and Cintia Rodriguez in the same episode and not name her bautiful-feet-princess or something? 😉

10 years ago

*beautiful (oops!)

9 years ago

The OU doubters kind of bug me:

I am, of course, super biased, but I feel like they are proving themselves week after week as solid. Much more so than in earlier years where by now we’d be seeing some inconsistency. from them. Hmmm. I suppose it is early in the season still.

9 years ago

I have a gymnastics in the workplace story – not a harumph story, but a great one none the less. Last year I was facilitating a breakout session during my company\’s annual conference. I was in the room early with the speaker, a very senior level executive at Twitter. We were chatting and he joked that I should trade with him and lead the session. I said \”okay, I will teach everyone how to do a cartwheel.\”. (Mind you, the conference had nothing whatsoever to do with gymnastics or athletics). His eyes lit up and he asked if I would teach him. \”Right here? Right now? Are you serious?\” Yes, yes he was. \”Have you ever done a cartwheel before?\” \”No.\” \”Okay.\” So as the room filled up with executives from fortune 500 companies across America, I instructed Mr. Daring in his very first ever cartwheel. I have to say he was a natural. He even got his second leg all the way around. He was greeted by cheers that rivaled any of the actual presentations. Score for team adult gymnastics! As I type this I realize the insurance company may not have been too pleased, but all\’s well that ends well. Thanks for reading and great job with the show! I look forward to it every week.

9 years ago

There was footage of Chusovitina landing tsuk double back in training circa 2004. (Pre- youtube 🙁 ) I thought i had made it up after searching for it but I noticed Rick McCharles mentioned seeing it too. I\’m sure someone has it saved somewhere.

9 years ago

I have a gymnastics in the workplace story.
I used to teach in a primary classroom. To motivate the students to achieve on their weekly spelling test, I told them that if a certain number get a 100% on the test, then I would do a \”trick\”. If I remember correctly, it took 3 weeks of encouraging and motivating them before the certain number was achieved. So, on that wonderful Friday afternoon, we moved over a few desks. I made them all do a drum roll with their hands on their desks,,,,, and I did an aerial cartwheel. (At that time, I had been out of NCAA for 7 or 8 years. I was absolutely thrilled that I didn\’t pull a muscle, turn an ankle, or damage any school property!) Well, I was feeling like a proud peacock, waiting for the stunned reactions of my students. Soon afterward, a little boy raised his hand and said \”Is that all?\” Well, I went back to handing out stickers!

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