Men's Qualifications
To submit a question before the show you can do it here or e-mail Many times listeners wish to keep their identity private and e-mail is the best way to request that; also, listeners might want to surprise their fellow gym nerds with their stories/questions by having them be read for the first time on the show. This forum is merely another avenue to submit your question/comments... not the only one. To submit a question during the live show, click on the video title, which will take you to YouTube. While the recording is live YouTube has a sidebar with a field to submit questions.
Hi! I meant to ask this on yesterday's show - but for the Chinese women's team. Have you guys seen Liang Chow around at all? Just curious.
I just saw a video of Kate McDonalds UB. She does the weiler half so well! Has anyone asked her if she has trained a weiler full, and would she try to get it named for herself ever?!
Speaking of named skills - are there any that have been submitted at this worlds? Men or Women?
I didn't see any interviews with the Brazilian ladies - did they decline to do interviews until after finals?