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Meet News
- GymCastic’s Paris correspondent Laura Cappelle is here to help us break down the major stories of last weekend’s World Challenge Cup, including
- The ridiculousness of how hard it was to watch this competition in the year 2022
- Jordan Chiles‘ top international floor score of the year, and how the crowd reacted
- Shilese Jones‘ wolf-themed floor adventures, the difference between her intended D score and actual D score, and the whole point of US women actually going to challenge cups
- What professional dance critic Dr. Capelle PhD thought about the floor choreography and what makes a compelling floor experience for the crowd
- Does the men’s technical committee hate joy and its own sport? Yes. Yes it does. A full debrief on the Heath Thorpe (AUS) dance skill rejection.
- Marine Boyer‘s home gold beam medal—and renowned beam specialist Jade Carey
- The terror on men’s vault: why was this allowed to happen and what can be done about it?
- The Rebeca Andrade/Shilese Jones showdown on bars, and what happened to Flavia and Melanie at this meet
- Ellie Black‘s new skill, and why it’s a win for gymnastics integrity
- The dawn of the age of Irish gymnastics
- The US men medaling in all their finals
- Join Club Gym Nerd (or give it as a gift!) for access to weekly Behind the Scenes episodes.
- Buy our awesome clothing and gifts here.
- We have a Ukraine Fundraiser design, all proceeds go to the CARE Ukraine Crisis fund.
- Donate grips and tape for Ukrainian gymnasts
- Donate to family of NCAA coach in Ukraine
- To follow the effects of the Russian invasion to Ukraine at Gymnovosti
- Gymnastics History and Code of Points Archive from Uncle Tim
- What the F Is Artistry?
- World Challenge Cups Are So In Right Now
- The World Championship Field Is Set
- US Championship and Men’s Euros Recap
- US Championships Preview and Women’s Euros Recap
- European Championships 2022: Women’s Event Finals
- European Championships 2022: Women’s Team Final
- European Championships 2022: Senior Women’s All-Around