The No. 1 Gymnastics Podcast in the Galaxy

96: Australian Nationals & Men’s European Championships

gymnast lauren mitchell of australia black leotard 2014
World Champion, Lauren Mitchell, back on beam at the 2014 Australian National Championships. She has been named to the Commonwealth Team for Scotland later this summer.


In the News

In the news, Uncle Tim, Brigid head honcho at The Couch Gymnast, Evan, and Jessica chat about:

  • Bela Karolyi style scratch-and-petition-nastics at Australian National Championships and the Godwin Factor for Commonwealth Games team.
  • The Russian men dominate with gorgeous, clean, high flying skills at European Championships while Ukraine earns a spot on the podium despite war at home and neck tattoos.
  • Max Whitlock beats Krisztian Berki on pommel horse!
  • Fabian Hambuechen had a scary fall, did Epke Zonderland’s hair cut help his high bar form, and  should Mr. Alexander Shatilov have won the Mr. Sofia title?
  • Mtv Germany has a shirtless gymnastics video shoot that we investigate like Grandi at a rhythmic judging exam.
  • The shinning hope for Australia after a dark time, Larissa Miller of tribe Uneven Bars.


We get to the bottom of the top news stories from around the gymternet:

  • Anna Pavlova’s fall out of the show and down the stairs
  • THIS KID! Emmy doing the most adorable routine we’ve ever seen. 
  • New skills submitted for evaluation at the European Championships
  • Updates from The Ranch: Laurie Hernandez, MyKayla Skinner and Maggie Nichols
  • Steve Butcher, Men’s Tech Committee Chair, sounding reasonable.

Related Links

Pre-sale tickets for 2015 World Championships in Glasgow are on sale here.

Full results from the 2014 Australian National Championships here 

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Ukrainian gymnast tattoo neck Ihor Radivilov
Igor Radivilov’s neck tattoo.

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2014 Australian All-Around Champion, Georgia Godwin of Queensland.



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10 years ago

Epke said he’s been working on his execution a lot over the last few months so I’m glad you’re seeing it!! I think his qualification routine was better than his finals routine (idk if it’s on Youtube but it was on our national sport news website and it’s geoblocked 🙁 ) but they got the same score. Oh well. It’s really sad that Bart Deurloo made mistakes the first day, otherwise he would’ve been in HB finals too! And in Doha he scored a high 15 too, only like half a point behind Epke who scored over 16 there, so he’s totally capable of it. It would be sooooo cool. As a Dutch person, I’m really proud of our high bar guys. Kinda sad you guys didn’t mention more! It was the first time ever we qualified to TF at Euros or Worlds and we didn’t even come in dead last!!! Watch out world 😉

If the ‘Mister/Miss’ contest was about beauty or whatever – definitely not appropriate. A congeniality or something similar kind of thing would be different.

The technology in gymnastics has been going for a little while for men’s rings! They’re called ‘smart rings’ by Janssen-Fritsen and InnoSportLab and they have sensors so they can measure the amount of pressure on each separate ring and whether holds are maintained for 2 seconds or not and more of that stuff. The Euros organization asked the company to put them up at Euros so they could get more data for research! So that’s definitely a thing for the near future (Rio??? Idk how far they are.) Here:,-bulgaria.html

10 years ago

I couldn’t stop laughing all through this episode!!! I would have liked to have heard a little bit about men’s Euros vault finals, but I understand that there was a lot to cover this week. 🙂

Also, I was the one who said Jovchev should take over the FIG and never in a lifetime would I have thought you guys would talk about something I just fangirled about on a whim and as a joke hahahahaha! Thanks for that! I feel like I be achieved some sort of gymternet milestone now. 😛

Anyway… ALSO Evan’s bit at the end was awesome!!!

10 years ago

GB junior MAG qualified two gymnasts to the rings final, Nile Wilson was 7th,and Brinn Bevan won the silver.

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