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Live Show
- Jessica, Spencer, and the 1997 U.S. national all-around champion VANESSA ATLER will recap the 2022 NCAA Women’s Gymnastics Championship Semifinals and take your questions live. Join the GymCastic Crew at the Rose Marine Theater on Friday, April 15. The show will begin at 7:00 p.m. (CDT) with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. (CDT). TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW.
NCAA Championship Preview Part I
- A quiz on the Most Decorated Freshman Class of All Time
- Who is Spencer picking to win nationals? And what do each of the favorites need to do to get that title.
- The all-around competition is intense. Trinity? Jade? Suni? Leanne? Justice for form? We break it all down.
- We spend nearly as long talking about the opening ceremony at Jesolo as the ceremony itself took! But COME ON. We have to dissect this perfect insanity.
- Who impressed us at Jesolo, from McClain’s multiple event titles, to Shilese’s beam, to Asia D’Amato delivering in the all-around.
- Plus, nerding out about beam composition credit, McClain’s insane Pak save, a Norah Flatley moment, Romania hopefulness (????), and Ellie Black being all Ellie Black.
NCAA Championships Preview Part II
- The race between Utah and Alabama to advance out of the semifinal will get serious. And can Auburn really upset Michigan to get to the championship?
- If there’s any justice in the world, who will win the event titles? We throw a bunch of names out there to see if any of them stick.
- Join Club Gym Nerd (or give it as a gift!) for access to Behind the Scenes episodes.
- Buy our awesome clothing and gifts here.
- We have masks too!
Download Your NCAA Championship Cheat Sheet!
Club Gym Nerd members get your free NCAA Championships cheat sheet which explains how the teams are seeded in the regions, how they qualify, how individuals qualify, and how each advances. Plus a bracket you can fill in.
- Donate grips and tape for Ukrainian gymnasts
- Donate to family of Alabama volunteer assistant coach in Ukraine
- Recognize gymnastics skills like a pro by using the Clickable Code of Points with gifs from The Balance Beam Situation
- To follow the effects of the Russian invasion to Ukraine on gymnastics, go to Gymnovosti
- Are You In (Bounds) or Out?
- 36 Enter, 8 Leave: The 2022 Regionals Preview
- It’s Just a Buckeye Leaf!
- Chief Director of Drama and Chaos
- The 198 Era
- 2022 Winter Cup Recap
- Nile Wilson Interview & Winter Cup 2022 Preview
- Spitfire: The Movie (Commissioned)
- Nadia: The Movie (Commissioned)
grace couldn’t stay on beam during warmups at seattle regional. that’s why they pulled her