Women's Qualifications
To submit a question before the show you can do it here or e-mail GymCastic@gmail.com. Many times listeners wish to keep their identity private and e-mail is the best way to request that; also, listeners might want to surprise their fellow gym nerds with their stories/questions by having them be read for the first time on the show. This forum is merely another avenue to submit your question/comments... not the only one. To submit a question during the live show, click on the video title, which will take you to YouTube. While the recording is live YouTube has a sidebar with a field to submit questions.
You will be able to watch the show live: coming soon.
Ha! Yes I had to go to VBS too! When you grow up in the Bible Belt you know!
why is floor being judged less harshly at worlds than at the Olympics? What deductions did they take at the Olympics that they are not taking here? Thank you guys so much for covering worlds!! Loving everything so far!
After team selection camp I suggested Leanne Wong might score well internationally and asked your thoughts on BTS. Today's showing, particularly on floor, suggests that this is perhaps the case.
I know Spencer didn't expect the domestic floor scores to hold up, but they did (and were even better!) Do you think the scoring at worlds is more lenient than the Olympics, or is the problem with domestic scoring not matching international scoring really this bad? How could they fix this problem going forward, especially since the current selection strategy of rank order from domestic scores might leave the gymnasts with higher international scoring ability at home? I obviously have my own thoughts, but keen to hear what you all think?
Since the judges are seated close to the audience, do you think there'll ever be instances where fans are so outraged by scores that they might throw or shout something at the judges?
When does the live broadcast start? Do we check here for the link? Thanks! ☺️