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October 21, 2021 - Women's All-Around Final - Submit Questions Here

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Maroney's Vault Admin
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Women's All-Around Final

To submit a question before the show you can do it here or e-mail Many times listeners wish to keep their identity private and e-mail is the best way to request that; also, listeners might want to surprise their fellow gym nerds with their stories/questions by having them be read for the first time on the show. This forum is merely another avenue to submit your question/comments... not the only one. To submit a question during the live show, click on the video title, which will take you to YouTube. While the recording is live YouTube has a sidebar with a field to submit questions.

You will be able to watch the show live: coming soon.

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Who was going on floor while Melnikova was on beam? Their music sounded like the Mulan soundtrack!!


Thank you for your wonderful coverage!!

GymCastic reacted
Kensley's Document Binder
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 19

I'm so sorry the live shows are from like 3-4 am my time, I can't be there live these Worlds. But thank you so much for doing them! I love waking up each morning to a gymcastic + BTS episode!!! 

Yesterday's BTS episode was the highlight of my week. Please have more kerfuffles and air them out on BTS. If you were wondering, I'm team JUST CHECK THE DAMN BOX JESSICA! 


Okay onto my questions because I can't be there live: 

-Is Chow at this worlds with the Chinese Women's Team? Do we know what happened to him after the Chinese team failed to medal in 2019 and 2021? 

-How tall is Ruby Stacy?

-The stands looked fairly empty today? Are they limiting the amount of people that can come into the arena because of the positive cases from yesterday? 

-I thought I saw footage (IG stories) of the USA womens team out walking around at a park or something? After a certain number of days are foreigners allowed to go out of the "bubble?" 

-Is there somewhere we can donate $$$ for Kensley to order food and get a proper meal? I'm so sad for her thinking about how many days she has gone eating only rice and fruit. 🙁 🙁 🙁 I'm dead serious please drop a link or gofundme or SOMETHING so I can donate money for her. 

-What is Aimee Boorman's role with Team NED? Is she a national team coach? Is she someone's personal coach? Is she their national team coordinator? Is it only for a year or is it for the quadrennium? Triennium? 

-Speaking of national team coordinator, is Tom in Kitakyushu? Haven't heard much about him this week... 

GymCastic reacted
Spencer's Eye Roll
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6

I’m impressed by Kensley’s outstandingly stable blood sugar, but when will she get some protein?! And do you have some kind of emergency medical plan in case she doesn’t?

Also, I’m not even Christian but I know what VBS is, and that Abraham wasn’t the one who walked on water. And hold onto your hats, but my Jewish camp had an extended prayer service, as well a class, every day. Better than ball sports, not as good as canoeing. 🤷‍♀️ 

I also enjoyed the WAG AA, 😉.

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Kensley's Document Binder
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 16

So "fun fact" with regards to "freedom of the press" in the United States since that came up in today's podcast: in NYC, the NYPD issues press credentials and from what I gather from reporters I follow on twitter, it isn't easy to get one. Without the press credential (and honestly even sometimes with it), reporters are arrested during events like the BLM protests last year, in particular when the cops just indiscriminately rounded up everyone in the vicinity. Freelancers and those who publish things like an independent blog especially have trouble getting it but even someone working for an outlet like the Huffington Post was arrested last year.

My favorite transit nerd blogger can't get one, for example:  

There has been some talk of changing this system, or at least making a different (hopefully less antagonistic) city agency in charge but nothing has actually come of it yet. Scott Stringer, the current Comptroller who lost the mayoral primary in June, tried to get some traction with the issue but as he will no longer be in city government very soon, it might go nowhere. There was a city council hearing about it earlier this year but most of our city council is also about to turn over in January so who knows if it ever happens. The likely incoming Mayor is a former cop so it's questionable if he'd be willing to sign future reform legislation.

The message on the back of the cards is uh, not great:


Ok! So scratch (some of) that--it looks like the Council did pass a change that will take effect next year and press passes will be issued by the Mayor's Office of Media & Entertainment.

It's obviously TBD how this will play out in practice and it is still a government body issuing the credentials but hopefully it will be an improvement over it being under NYPD jurisdiction! 

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Kensley's Document Binder
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 15

Re: In Australia if you forget your hat you have to stay indoors.... In New Zealand we also had to wear hats and if we forgot ours we had to sit under a tree. I don't know which is worse! But both better than getting skin cancer I guess, damn ozone hole, the burns here are truly bitching. 

GymCastic reacted
do the voronin hop
Kensley's Document Binder
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 14
Posted by: @rachael-duncan88gmail-com

-How tall is Ruby Stacy?

I'm not sure but GMF is around 5' 5"/ 5' 6" and Ruby is considerably taller than her.  She's grown so much the past 18 months!

Kensley's Document Binder
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 19
Posted by: @kf
Posted by: @rachael-duncan88gmail-com

-How tall is Ruby Stacy?

I'm not sure but GMF is around 5' 5"/ 5' 6" and Ruby is considerably taller than her.  She's grown so much the past 18 months!

They are both stunning gymnasts! I was just curious. Thanks for replying. 🙂 

Spencer's Eye Roll
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 14

Where can we rewatch this in the US? BB Situation says NBCSN will show replays but I cannot find them. It is crazy that it is so hard to find where to watch world championship finals! Sorry I did not want to wake up at 5 am to watch live!
