740 x 400 IMAGE OF THE GUEST IF PHOTO (GiF’s go above the More line)…
In the news, Uncle Tim, Spencer, Lauren, Lindsey Green, Jennifer Lacopelli and Jessica chat about:
- Kittia-Gate: Christian Gallardo has been coaching Gabby instead of Kittia.
- Statement from Natalie Hawkins, Gabrielle Douglas’ mother:”Gabrielle hasn’t made a coaching change. Christian Gallardo has been Gabrielle’s coach since she arrived at Buckeye. Since there is only to be one coach alongside Gabrielle throughout the Olympic process, Christian is that coach based on their longtime coach/athlete bond, chemistry and strength together.”
- If Laurie Hernandez is selected, will she *really* be the first Latina gymnast to make the U.S. Olympic team in 30 years?
- We review the night 1 of the Olympic Trials – gymnast by gymnast.
- Finally, we discuss Simone’s hilarious Tide commercial, which is Jessica’s favorite thing ever
- 187: McKayla Maroney
- Getting to the Games: A Checklist
- 201: Men’s Olympic Trials and P&G Champs Preview
- Gymbuster: Domestic vs. International Scoring
- 200: Alicia Sacramone
- 162: Wrap Up of the 2015 P&G Championships
- 161: Women’s Finals Recap with Aimee Boorman and Christian Gallardo
- 160: PG Championships Women’s Prelims Recap
- 77: Aly Raisman
- Episode 48: Kyla Ross
- Episode 58: Charlotte Drury, Fall Euro Series & NCAA De-commits
- Episode 31: Elise Ray
- 148: Shannon Miller
- Episode 28: Kristen Maloney
- Episode 33: Simone Biles & Her Coaches
- Episode 55: Worlds Wrap Up & Ferlito-Gate
- Episode 54: Event Finals Recap from 2013 World Championships
- Episode 53: All Around Finals Recap from Antwerp World Championships
- Episode 52: Triumph & Heartbreak Prelims Recap from Antwerp Worlds
- 114: Fallout From Gymnastike’s Handling of Maroney Hack & Tumble Episodes 3 and 4 with special guest Jenni Pinches!
- Episode 16: Elizabeth Price
- 146: Taylor Rice and The 2015 NCAA Championships
- Episode 9: Chellsie Memmel, Swiss Cup & FIG Presidential Proposals
- Episode 37: Julie Zetlin
- 151: Danell Leyva
- 81: Jenny Hansen
- Episode 15: Joan Ryan Author of Little Girls in Pretty Boxes
- Douglas Family Gold on Oxygen Podcast Recaps
Podium Training photo gallery here.
Night One photo gallery here.
Watch this week’s playlist from Team USA on YouTube here. Or watch the NBC archived broadcast here.
Watch Deanna Hong’s new video in the 4 Years Later series on Jordyn Weiber here.
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Did other people notice Gabby’s strange eye movements in the NBC closeups? Something is up with her. She has either developed a tic or she was medicated. I’ve been watching Gabby for years and I’ve never seen that repetitive sideways/upward eye movement from her. I’m really worried about her.
I noticed that, too! I\’m glad I\’m not the only one. I thought she was either having an internal conversation with herself or developed a nervous tick.
one of the lady hosts… kept saying in the previous podcast just going on and on about how she was upset that everybody was focusing on Maggie Nichols injury and that it’s not a big deal it’s not a big deal this it’s not a big deal that …. but by her performance clearly it is a big deal because she is not at the same level that she was …..she is not ….. so clearly it is a big deal so have several seats…. it is a big deal and you were whining and complaining about people focusing on it so clearly it is a big deal the timing was a big deal and the fact that she isn’t needed now because she’s not at the same level it is a big deal so yeah again have a seat
2016 Euro Cup final is on Sunday, July 10 between France and Portugal.
U.S.A. team:
Simone, Aly, Laurie, Madison, Gabby
Maggie, Mykayla, Ashton (the most likely one to end up competing is Ashton if the bubble wrap around Madison fails for some reason).
You are all a true gift to the gymternet…I look forward to your commentary more and more as NBC continues to blow it 🙂 Please do more of these throughout Rio, the not-four-year fans need it!!
As for the remarks on the Under Armour commercial, I think it might have to do with sponsorship. Because Nike has Gabby & Simone and Aly has Reebok as sponsors, and they are Under Armour\’s competition. And since they supply the National teams overall, they went with girls who weren\’t tied to other sponsors, which in this case were Madison, Maggie and Mykayla. If Simone, Gabby and Aly weren\’t tied to other sponsors, they would have absolutely been in that commercial. It wasn\’t racial bias, it was just business.
Lynne, I had the same thought about why they used those particular girls for the commercial. All three are doing college gymnastics now too which means they probably weren’t paid for that commercial too.